Septic Tank Cleaning Perth isn’t pleasant, but it is important to maintain your septic system. Regular cleaning prevents clogs, backups, and health hazards like foul odors and sewage in your home.

When wastewater enters your septic tank, lighter solid waste will float to the top as scum while heavier solid waste will sink and compile as sludge. Keeping these layers separate keeps your drain field free of debris that could clog lines and strain the soil.
Over time, waste from your household drains into your septic tank. It separates into three layers: solids settle in the bottom of the tank (sludge), liquids stay in the middle, and fats, oils, and grease float to the top (scum). If you haven’t had your septic system pumped in a while, it may be time to do so. This process removes the liquid and some of the floating scum. It also lowers the level of accumulated waste, helping your septic system to work properly and preventing overflows and failures.
Pumping is typically done by a septic tank service company. They will send a truck with a large tank and a hose that is attached to the manhole. This hose is used to suction out the septic tank contents and deposit them in their truck for disposal. This service is usually performed every two to five years. If your septic system has issues, such as an unusually high liquid level, it may need to be pumped more frequently.
When hiring a septic tank pumping company, it’s important to make sure they are licensed and insured. Ask friends and family for recommendations, or look up reviews and customer ratings online. A reputable company should have no problem providing you with proof of insurance and licensing. They should also be willing to provide you with a list of references.
Before the pumping process begins, it’s a good idea to uncover any tank access lids and inspection ports. It’s possible the septic tank is buried underground, so excavation may be necessary. It’s also a good idea to remove lawn furniture, grills, or other items that are placed over the tank.
Once the septic tank is pumped, the waste will be sent to a sewage processing plant for treatment and disposal. You’ll want to hire a trusted and experienced company to perform this vital job. This will help to prevent damage to your septic tank, and the surrounding soil as well. When you have your septic tank pumped, it’s a good time to have the drain field cleaned as well. This will ensure that all the septic tank waste is completely removed from the area, and it can help to extend the lifespan of your septic system.
Sludge Removal
Septic systems are designed to filter and treat household wastewater, separating it from the solid waste that sinks to the bottom of the tank and floats to the top. The liquid wastewater, called effluent, flows out of the septic system into a drain field, where it’s filtered further by microbes and coarse gravel. The septic tank and drain field are essential parts of a home’s waste management process, protecting the health and safety of its residents.
When solids sink to the bottom of a septic tank, they form a layer known as sludge. A septic tank can also contain an oily, foamy layer called scum, composed of fats, oils, and other organic materials that are lighter than water. These materials can clog pipes in the septic system and drain fields, resulting in slow drainage and sewage odors. Keeping the septic tank and drain field clean can prevent these issues.
A septic tank is a buried, water-tight container constructed of concrete, fiberglass, or polyethylene. A large central service opening and a sanitary tee or baffle inspection ports allow the tank to be accessed for cleaning and pumping. When a septic tank is cleaned, all of the accumulated sludge and scum must be removed from the tank, a task that requires heavy machinery. Licensed septic professionals use powerful hydraulic equipment to break up the sludge and scum layers, making it easier to transport them out of the tank for disposal.
If septic tanks aren’t pumped and cleaned frequently enough, incoming sewage will not have enough time in the tank to separate out solid waste. This can cause the sludge and scum to flow into the drainfield along with the effluent, resulting in clogged pipes and pathogenic bacteria in the soil.
Some septic tank companies insert their vacuum truck’s hose into the septic tank and only suck out the liquid wastewater (pumping). This process does not fully remove all of the sludge from the tank, leaving some behind. This leads to a buildup of sludge in the septic system that will disrupt its function and lead to expensive repairs and replacements.
Drain Field Cleaning
A septic system relies on natural bacteria to break down solid waste and liquefy liquid. However, if you use chemical cleaners, they can kill the beneficial bacteria and contaminate groundwater. Fortunately, regular septic tank cleaning and preventative maintenance can help extend the life of your drain field.
The septic tank is constructed with inlet and outlet tees that connect to the septic system pipes. When wastewater flows into the tank, hydraulic pressure forces it up through the sludge layer and out the inlet pipe. The tees ensure that solids stay in the septic tank and don’t reach the absorption field.
If the inlet and outlet tees get clogged, sewage may back up into the house or a septic tank failure might occur. To avoid a complete septic tank failure, make sure you have the septic tank pumped every one or three years. This will ensure that there is plenty of room for wastewater and prevent sludge from getting into the absorption field.
Your septic system’s drain field, also known as the leach field or absorption field, is a large area of dirt that sieves wastewater into the ground. If the soil in your leach field becomes saturated with water, it will not be able to absorb it, and this can lead to septic tank failure. To keep your leach field healthy, limit your household water usage. Take shorter showers and only wash a full load of laundry at once to reduce your wastewater usage.
You can help your septic system by not planting any trees or shrubs over the drain field. These plants can grow into the septic tank and drain lines. You should also check that gutter downspouts drain away from the septic tank and the drain field.
Hydro jetting is a great way to clean septic tank leach line clogs. A septic tank professional inserts a hose into the septic tank’s manhole opening and releases powerful water jets that dislodge and wash away debris. This can also be used to unclog sludge-coated leach lines. If you suspect that your leach lines are clogged, consider scheduling hydro jetting before the problem gets worse.
When you have a septic system, regular cleaning is important for maintaining safe containment levels. The sludge that builds up in your tank should be removed regularly to make room for new wastewater and to prevent blockages. The septic tank should also be inspected on occasion to ensure it is working properly. A professional can help with this inspection and if necessary, repairs can be made to the system.
To perform the septic tank inspection, your contractor will open the lid and check the liquid level inside. A septic tank should have a separate layer of scum, effluent and sludge. If the level is too low, it can be an indicator of a leak or crack in the tank. This can be caused by excessive water use, a faulty pump or tank baffles, or issues with the drain field.
Once the liquid level is ok, your technician will measure the sludge depth. This is done by inserting a device into the tank through the manhole. This is typically a long, calibrated rod with a plug at the end that allows the inspector to test the sludge level without touching it. The depth of the sludge should not be more than 1/3 of the total volume of the tank or rise above the level of the baffles.
Lastly, your inspector will shine a light into the tank to look for any visible signs of physical damage or leaking. The inspection can reveal any cracked tanks or baffles that may require replacement. This is an important part of the inspection because it can be very difficult to diagnose problems with a septic tank and drain field when they are underground.
It is also recommended that you have a septic tank inspection and pumping before buying a home. This will help you avoid any large repair bills once you move in and it can also save you money by making sure your septic system is functioning as intended.
It is recommended to hire a professional septic tank cleaner and installer for these jobs because of their expertise in the work. They can ensure the septic tank is cleaned correctly and that all sludge is removed from the system. They can also clean out the drain field lines and ensure they are working properly. It is not recommended that homeowners attempt to do these jobs on their own because they can be dangerous and expensive if not done properly.